Knowers and Lovers
In the second Rick Robichaud adventure, Rick, his wife, Zora, and their child, Bronwyn, find themselves in the eye of a storm of events that plays out in the forests, fields and sea coasts of Digby County, Nova Scotia; in board rooms in Russia and situation rooms at NATO; and in piracy on the high seas. It probes the nature of greed and hubris, contrasts these with friendship and mutual care, and gives the last word to Walt Whitman.
Reviewer comments
Knowers and Lovers is rich, complex, filled with real characters and future possibilities. I loved it! Ted Leighton is a wonderful new voice among Canadian novelists.
- David Waltner-Toews, OC, scientist, novelist, poetbook details
ISBN 978-1-998149-66-7
6x9 paperback, 214 pages